Google Forms (1) – How do they work?

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial” _builder_version=”3.0.51″ custom_margin=”-100px|||”] Google Forms is one of the simplest tools to use to collect data and information but as they are connected to a spreadsheet (Google Sheet) they can be very powerful in terms of data analysis. There are numerous uses for… Continue reading Google Forms (1) – How do they work?

Categorized as Forms

Google Drive – Downloading your files & folders

Sometimes you need a copy of your files in a place other than your Drive.  Google Drive provides some options to do this, each one depending on what it is that you’re downloading. Downloading non-Google files e.g. Word docs, PDFs, mp3s, images) Right click on the file you want.  Then click on “Download” from the menu. This… Continue reading Google Drive – Downloading your files & folders

Google Drive (12) – Uploading files and folders

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” border_style=”solid” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial” _builder_version=”3.0.51″ custom_margin=”-100px|||”] Google Drive is not just a place to store your Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc but you can use it to store pretty much whatever file you want.  Uploading files is a piece of cake: 1) Click on… Continue reading Google Drive (12) – Uploading files and folders

Categorized as Drive